Fertilizer helps in escalating production.


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Welcome to Synergy Agrotechs

Synergy Agrotechs is a leading seed company established in 2017 with its headquarters at Nagpur (India). Synergy Agrotechs is one of the trustful company in the Indian seed industry committed to serve farming sector.
Synergy Agrotechs is based on research and development, production, processing and marketing of Cotton, systemic fungicide, Sunflower, Insecticide, herbicide, contact fungicide, strong bio stimulant, bio stimulant, fulvic+amino+seaweed, crop protector,amino humic shiny ball, natural silica, natural brasinolide,mix micronutrient, magnesium sulphate, granual, calcium nitrate, Castor, Mustard, Wheat, Sorghum Sudan grass, Fodder beet, Tomato, Okra, Chillies, and other vegetable seed, etc.

Our Mission

Even with a good definition, it can be difficult to clearly understand the concept. What is a vision statement? These statements made by some of the world’s most innovative and successful companies will help you understand

Our Vision

To promote agroecological principles and rural entrepreneurship through capacity development and South-South exchange of quality farmer-to-farmer training videos in local languages.

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