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Prido Acetamiprid 20% SP


The Exciting foliar Insecticide with New mode of action. Quick knockdown of a wide range of Foliar-feeding pests such as Aphids, Whiteflies, Leafhoppers, and Plant bugs. Long term action/control. Unique translaminar activity that puts protection on both sides of the leaf surface. Effective broad-spectrum ovicidal /adulticidal/larvicidal activity, including pyrethroid-resistant pests. Low toxicity on beneficial. A relatively low dose of application.

Method of Application :

Prido can be applied as a foliar spray solution at a suggested dose against following insect pests on cotton.
Aphid : 50g/ha Jassids: 100g/ha Whitefly: 200g/ha

Available Packing : 100gm & 250gm