Bringing Local Farmers Right to your Table
Mauris porta nulla vitae aliquam luctus. Vestibulum non tempus libero. Sed ultricies diam ligula, vitae vestibulum lectus aliquam ut.
Vikrama Mix Micronutrient
Fe – Important in photosynthesis and uptake of other micronutrients. Zn – Important in preparation of plant growth regulator, protein. Cu – Act as a catalyst in all development stages of plants. Helpful in the production of vitamin ‘A’ and reproduction capacity of the plant. Bo – It is used to uptake Calcium and makes it available to plants. Mn – Improves photosynthetic activities of plant and preparation of carotin riboflavin, ascorbic acid, and protein in the plant. Mo – It is an important nutrient for nitrogen fixation.
Dose :
500ml Vikrama in 200lt. of water.
MS Iind
Vikrama is prepared to provide all essential Micronutrients to plant to Increase yield and to improve quality. Useful for all types of crop. Vegetables, Fruits, etc.